Dr. David Jubb
July 14, 2011
Oslo, Norway
Tardiv Dyskinesia (TDS) arises after a single incidence of dopamine antagonism. All physiological conditions where dopamine antagonism is creates acute movement disorders. The neurotransmitter adenosine is a major inhibitor playing a role in Tardiv Dyskinesi because it allows serotonin release.
Coffee and alcohol blocks adenosine. Poor liver function also blocks adenosine and blocks serotonin production. Progesterone element in LifeFood assists normalize TDS because it affects serotonin uptake. Dead food promotes high estrogen, which in turns blocks progesterone so then little serotonin is available.
Dead food consumption blocks the enterochromaffin cells that line the passage way of the intestinal tract and the enterochromaffin cells produce hydroxytryptophan, a precursor
element to making serotonin and 95% of all serotonin in the body is manufactured by the brain of the gut.