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EvacuEase is an herbal powder containing several unique plants, combined in ratios which work synergistically. Evacu-Ease reduces inflammation, rebuilds the intestinal wall, fortifies nutrient brought in, and has an excellent evacuative effect. This encourages normalization of transit time of food through the intestine.


Evacu-Ease is an evacuative, other than a laxative and can even be taken during pregnancy; whereas all laxatives are poison, being how they operate. Evacu-Ease has health benefit and actually strengthens the system. With Evacu-Ease, during a Jubb's Cell Rejuvenation cleanse, we are managing four loose or liquid stools a day, (clear liquid is fine as well). If having more than 4 bowel movements, reduce doses a bit;  if less than 4, bowel movements, then increase number of doses per day.

Jubb's EvacuEase: Digestive Organ Vitalizer

SKU: 364215371135191
  • Jubb's EvacuEase: Digestive Organ Vitalizer:


    • Improves, evacuation and stimulates bowel movement
    • Reduces, gas and intestinal inflammation
    • Vitalizes, digestive-organ
    • Generates, purgative effect of laminated mucus
    • Restores, the integrity of your digestive tract
    • Gives, you a slim waist for a longer life
    • Clears, excessive water from between your cells
    • Provides, you nutrient to assist with the mucus membrane
    • Acts, as an evacuative – not a laxative
    • Is, combined with sphingosine and ceramide for membrane permeability surfactant enhancement


    White Gold Hydride, Deionized protein from Irish Moss, Oregon Grape Root, Barbary Root, Fennel, Gentian Root, Anise, Ginger Root, Cascara Segrada, Citric Acid, Sphingosine and Ceramide



    1/3 of a tsp., the approximate equivalent to 1 gram or one capsule of powdered herb.   During the cleanse it is taken 4 times per day taken near food time but can be taken up to 7 times per day if needed to achieve 3-4 bowel movements per day. It is taken sprinkled on a slice of fruit and thoroughly chewed or carefully placed on the tongue and chewed in order to be taken more as a food and thoroughly mixed with the parotid hormone in the saliva. In a day or two, it will feel just like home.


    All the herbal formulas in this cleanse, except for the teas, are chewed and wet by the saliva in the mouth and then swallowed. Mixing them with water and then taking will prevent their effectiveness.

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