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]For Internal and External Application

Membrane Permeability Surfactant Enhancement

Connective tissue, like your skin; you, can immediately see the benefit of applying Jubb’s  Lifehydrate nutrient; which, is an element of this skin and intestinal scrubbing formula presented here; for, such is of membrane permeability surfactant enhancement; your, gums and intestinal tract requires surfactant that is small enough to get underneath larger debris; and, excipiate such; meaning, remove debris;


Jubb’s Lifehydrate, is made up out of JC Quantum material; which, is smaller than light; such, has an effect to pass through the packet; hydration, of connective tissue; of, nerve and skin; which, are similar; also, nails, eyes, and hair; require, a neutral force to exist between the smooth surfaces; nutrient, can slip and flow;


Lifecolloid, allows an aqueous thin film mycelial probiotic surfactant; that, puts a vapor barrier to protect via sphingosine and ceramide; which, is within Jubb’s Organic Cleanser; you, can see a colloidal dispersion enzymatically occur;

Patterned, magnetic nutrient; as, boron, silica, and white gold; increase, a magnetic valence differential; causing, a capacitance in Jubb’s Organic Cleanser; to, provide energy for active transport; into, your red blood corpuscle membrane and out your connective tissue; and, via such lubricant; magno-plated debris is loosened; calcium-phosphate, shards are dissolved;


Epithelial, cells line inner passageways; like, the corneium; which, is the horny layer of the skin; in, a similar way protects internal milieu from caustic condition; Jubb’s Lifehydrate, found in this product; along, with ceramide and sphingosine; have, numerous steroidal complexes; and, natural paciferan; and, antioxidant; and, resveratrol-like activated surtuin; tocotrienol-like, compound which reactivate spent antioxidants;


Hydration, requires nine carbon building block; and, via providing some free fatty acid and glycerol; where, squalene is kept to be next to nothing; such, enough to assist heal sebaceous gland; and, clear away Propionibacterium acnes; retinal, signaling nutrient is made with lifefood in this formula; yet, to get Jubb’s Lifehydrate itself; Juniper, and Chaga complex are present; which, clear away excessive androgen hormone;


Putting, White Gold into a nootropic cell cleanser and restorative; for, internal application; and, yet you can observe what remarkable effect such has on the outside of your body; you’re, not looking at an ordinary product; but, one made with white gold;


Jubb’s Lifehydrate, and Organic Cell Cleanser have luminescent element; and monatomic barium, calcium, potassium, sodium and strontium; is, of luminescence; and powerfully engaged biophotonically; such, a light emission system has two or more light emanating regions; which, light is projected from; nature, provides perfect incubation of lifecolloid within itself; deep, within the earth;


Lithophillic, lifecolloid; as, found in Jubb’s Lifehydrate and Jubb’s Organic Cleanser; such, as cyanobacteria; have, natural occurring enzymes such as nitrogenase and hydrogenase; deep, in the earth various gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane provide a supercritical fluid extraction of such rare earth element; even, from luminescent element; and, all the conditions within the earth to produce hydrogen through biological transmutation;


White Gold element; activates, past labeled “junk DNA”; which, happens to be up to 95% of our genetics; monatomic, element have special effects of levity; zero point energetic; and, because they have positron and electrons having paired; that, are in such a high spin state; and, such element can be blipping in and out of this third dimension;


Monatomic, element as found in Jubb’s White Gold; as, platinum, iridium, osmium and ruthenium has been shown to relax DNA; so, that it can have become corrected; and, iridium and rhodium have been shown to activate endocrine balance; and, assist greatly with hemisphere synchronization of the brain;


Monatomic, elements have really only just been discovered due to the fact that they require so much heat in order to be melted; monatomic, element certainly is involved and engaged more as a nootropic; certainly, monatomic element is engaged in healing current to be within your body; and, certainly anyone can be observed to witness; structural, improvement; psychic, functioning; body, mind and spirit are improved greatly; functioning, through resonance of a non-localized type of phenomenon;


Humectant, naturally found in healthy skin is deplete in aged and stressed skin; you, can have a wrinkle be plumped up again and the skin again smoothed out instead of saggy; skin, naturally can plump up and hydrate and has its natural protectant; and, humectant; therefore,


One, powerful humectant is urea that is a pharmaceutical grade made from Jack bean; it’s, so so powerful because healthy skin has seven percent of itself as urea; urea, holds moisture to itself of its own weight; and, therefore is a true hydrator of the skin and connective tissue; urea, is an ingredient in Jubb’s Organic Cleanser & White Gold Nootropic; urea, is hygroscopic: it absorbs water; and, of course hydrogen because water is really hydrogen; therefore,


White Gold, in such a fine product as this provides a strong barrier and protective element to all skin possible toxin and oxidation; also, such reduces inflammation and also flair up; and, encourages skin renewal; it, is actually designed to penetrate the epidermis; and, it has to be pH balanced for the skin; and, all is edible; having, a powerful scrubbing effect on the intestine; acting, as an excipient to get underneath and clear away laminated plated material inside your intestinal garden; causing, all to be remained fresh and fragrant as a floral paradise inside; so,


This, is the magic; learn, how to support your nervous system and psychic ability; tend, to the garden you are wrapped around; restore, and renew your skin and tissue; as, a matter of fact why not have an excellent fitness in this department?

Jubb's Organic Cleanser: White Gold Nootropic

SKU: 364215372135191
  • Jubb’s Organic Cleanser:

    White Gold Nootropic Cell Cleanser and Restorative

    • Excipiates, and removes debris from your skin and intestinal tract
    • Hydrates, connective tissue of nerve and skin with Jubb’s White Gold element
    • Protects, cellular integrity by providing vapor barrier of aqueous thin film mycelial probiotic surfactant
    • Heals, sebaceous gland and clears away Propionibacterium acnes and other dysbiotic skin condition
    • Assists, activate DNA and balance brain hemisphere synchronization
    • Rejuvenates, and refreshes teeth, gums, and mouth with organic colloidal herbal extracts
    • Contains, the most powerful antioxidant found in all of nature to protect internal and external surface of your tissue from caustic condition
    • Increases, nervous system and endocrine function by providing you with rare monatomic earth element from White Gold in it’s enzymatic active form
    • Balances, mineral levels in blood and connective tissue
    • Eases, somatopause and age-related degenerative hormonal condition
    • Restores, healthy balance of symbiotic lifecolloid probiotics on the surface of your skin, mouth, and intestinal tract – your “microbiome”


    Jubb’s White Gold Hydride Ion; Cold-Processed Colloidal Extracts of: Basil, Eualyptus, Ginger, Lemongrass, Cedar, Clove, Fennel, Mint, Star Anise, Vanilla, and Lavender; Sphingosine and Ceramide from cultured and aged Aloe Vera; Shea Butter; Cocoa Butter; Avocado Oil; Palm Kernel Butter; Castor Oil; USPS Urea; Acetyl Alcohol; Glucoside; Carbomer; De-Ionized Protein; Jubb’s Lifehydrate formula


    For internal and external application:

    • Use 1/2 gram one to two times daily for internal use;
    • Use 1/2 gram for use as a tooth and gum rejuvenative paste
    • Use 1 gram for use as a facial cleansing scrub and restorative

    Each packet contains 198 internal servings or 99 External servings

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