Like time zero is for the Mayan calendar; aqueduct for water is lined with lead so everyone who drank that water didn’t live a long life; today, of course you’ve got nano-particles element present which none of that is ecological for the body; where, such nano-particle is put to have found its way into the blood not much care was existed back then with lead for instance;
Today, you have nano-particles of aluminum, titanium, and barium; all, such is a certain brain toxin; for, such nano-particle can be found as lifecolloid formed into stone; causing an array of neurological physiological challenge; such, aggregates, differentiates and diffuses in layers folded not in a proper manner; such, templates not ecological cause stone formation and challenge; molecular, mimicry;
The, paradox of course when you’re looking into the heavens with equipment by twenty twenty for instance three thousand worlds have been found scattered around the galaxy; of, ‘goldilocks’ like position where planet is in relation to the sun; yet, a toxin can also come in which is not ecological; such, can reverse transcribe by connecting to one’s own lifecolloid machinery which produces RNA and DNA;
Where, the body comes to be a producer of a spike toxin; such, a body comes to be its own toxin factory; one, can note strained with the eyes as to what’s seen; a, certain lethargy even speech strain; so, that the sound made you can hear is in health coming from the belly and is more whole body; versus, a sound that comes from the head;
So, the ears, nose, and throat, also swallowing can be on the left side or the right side; such, relates to various inner parts of the nose and throat and organs around the tubarial gland in the back of the nose and throat; stone, formation reduces nerve force and causes evermore mouth breathing at night; a, range of neuro-muscular disorder even various mini strokes which can cause dysarthria; which, is poor capacity to articulate;
Also, you can see more droopiness of the eyes and a decreased sense of the sharpness of vision; typically, one can see noticeable more one with a more lazy eye or eyelid for instance; such, paralysis can also include speech; where, stone formation is as prion eventual Swiss cheese is of more of the brain; yet, such a loss is present more of fine motor movement of the tongue; which, is brought about by indigestible protein as nuetoxin;
As, such accumulates being unstopped you can see a slowing down occurs; for, a coordination of muscles existing to articulate speech; the, body’s bilirubin, urine, and nitrogen often can show nitrogenated hydrogen molecule; which, is accumulated in a body, impacting the nitrogen cycle; such, toxicity not broken down as ammonia; for, moments in time can feel a sense of lethargy; also, slurred speech, poor coordination, also cerebral edema, also asterixis;
The liver is only a site where urea is synthesized; when, the b.u.n. level isn’t normal between eight and twenty mL per dL; in, the urea cycle you always have enzyme deficiency; examining urine you can see Orotic aciduria which is really like orange crystal which form more in the urine where you can see that; it’s, a certain immunological disaster when nuetoxin is brought in all where very little rest is for digestion;
You’ll, have global fat challenge and eventual carchexia; for, where the liver is and the pancreas of food exclusion allows lipid nanoparticle; all, such is a gene toxin in food and in the body of one who is continuously bringing in food stuff which is excessive in pigment; along, with glutamate molecule; which, is put into “food” to make it taste “okay;”
It’s, a ticking nuclear bomb which is really a risk; which, does not have any benefit; substance such collects in the tissue in the flesh of animal; and, all toxin really is more a gene based lipid nanoparticle of a particular gene sequence; such, a toxin not broken down and placed into the machinery is an immuno suppression; mortality, alway is high where such toxin is existed in the body; which, you can see an increase from all causes from death;
Where, some toxin was and health is the toxin, like a tattoo, isn’t broken down and the body can come and go; afterward, such a toxin can be persistent beyond sixty days; one, can find an array of spike protein afterward; which, is what this researcher has seen; where, always such is observed increased mortality is too; imagine, in you mind for a moment that a nano-particle very small similar to sulfur in an onion or garlic;
Such, nutrient can be transported everywhere; and, a toxin is also; if, such toxin that’s not ecological which transfatty acid is not; such, goes to the prostate and ovaries, testis, causing fertility challenge; molecules are what is produced in the industry like the Hel polyglycol 2000; its, design is to evade the immune system; such, is a preprinted toxin; meaning, it’s really not by being in the body; such, a spike being absorbed more into a Cell for instance is a major cause inhibiting DNA repair; also, cell death; and, pleomorphing of red blood corpuscle into leukemia; such, protein from that inflammation is a major block to proper cell respiration;
Apraxia, as a condition is where you witness one having a challenge in forming and planning speech for instance and other motor movement; where, Dysarthria is as indicated you’ve got poor articulation of phoneme; such, can be observed can even be a total loss of speech for instance; eventually which is anarthria; loss, of swallowing is dysphagia; generally, one can witness nerve force in the trimigigial nerve, facial nerve, also vagal nerve; they, would be generally vagal enteric nervous dysfunction;
At, a young age one is seen shaking their leg, feeling shaky, restlessness; which, is a caused onset more of Parkinson like symptom; also, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS; which, is really a motor neuron disease [MND}; it’s not, uncommon to find angioma amyloid plaque and an arrange of transient ischemic attack; and, always an acute anemia exists; also, generally a lack of copper; where, such is mini strokes can have really been what occurred;
Such, begins because of high phosphate and a high methionine diet; full, of trans fatty acid and estrogenic excitotoxin; maybe, you’d like to learn more about Jubb’s cell rejuvenation here at jubbdavid.com;