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About Dr. David Jubb
Dr. David Jubb, is a pioneer in the fields of behavioral change work, communication, neurology, law, holistic health, biology, and quantum science. Dr. Jubb is a neurobehavioral physiologist, blood formation specialist, microscopist, foremost expert in the world in colloidal biology, and a shaman in the Toltec tradition. Over some forty years, Dr. Jubb has developed a number innovations across multiple disciplines, and has led thousands of clients through Whole Brain Functioning™ adventure-based experiential trainings; and, coached many more through Jubb’s Cell Rejuvenation lifefood nutritional fasting programs. Dr. David Jubb remains dedicated to educate all who seek a deeper insight into common law, economic egalitarianism & constitutional currency, gender egalitarianism, cellular rejuvenation, lifefood agrarianism, lifehouse sustainable community, magnicity, whole brain functioning, & our ancient past.

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