When, common people went into the police station and made police reports of crimes against themselves and adverse reaction to vaccination was what stopped the mandate; too, many truckers and common people objected which was just overwhelming; like, Canada the truckers won the day;
Keep, in mind that because you’ve got a two twenty presidential election; that’s, no question about it is not without utter controversy; and, certain natural right lost; supporters, for we the people in Maui as we the people is aware;
Lawyers, is a criminal society; excited, by double-oath taken; and, how about you can see it’s a long time passed since such a guild having stolen venue at the courthouse were disbanded; in the
Day, before such you could have been locked away for a “future crime;” a, bit like a president’s orange head on a block; you’ve got your identity stolen by a group all paid up; it, is today you can see yourself flattened by the very same institute of double oath takers; under, a guild, under a CROWN; as, a foreign agent; which, is not your nation; it’s
Legal, fees, legal argument; yet, it’s now you register rejection; for, in the eclipse movement you can see an open platform; for, legal and lawful integrity; for, twenty-twenty all would agree was an accelerant to black-swan; via a pretext as a virus; so the
Gatekeepers, you see keep with the “climate change;” and, stopping hate speech; like, January sixth indoctrination; no, care exists about popular opinion; all, you see is a blatant attack on contractual agreement; to
Use, procedure lawfully to protect private property; we, the people is above; it’s, were lawyers are disbanded; because, you can’t appeal as a corporation; a, corporation for the CORPS is as a witness; but, not to participate in the bureaus investigation; a
Nation, also a CORPS is a fiction and is dead; below, who is living; which, is the public trust as far as a chain of command is concerned; taking, action is where the public is from the land being the venue;
What, ground is occupied is what is over the whole republic; which, a common law supreme court grand jury of we the people is of a ground which is filed in a federal court; a
Black, frocked white wigged ones as a gild abridge your natural right; and, if you ask any of them how do you protect by private law’ you’d see none know how to protect title properly; and,
All, these attorneys in the gild have worked against the founding fathers’ common idea; you, can only join like with like; you, can’t join the living with a fiction; you, see a clue to all this; because
What, is relevant has been redacted as information; so, that you and i didn’t denounce a process which is just where and i are mere chattel without a voice; and, so all you see in the press is printed OP-EDS in the mainstream; which
You, can see a silence found exists in the times; many, supporting Alliance of Law Movement; as, the Eclipse movement is; an, aged war on us to clear away usury; where, we the people is of judicial right; of, any court to take note of procedural law; that the
State, you’re upholding is in order of testimony; which, is not under any double oath taken; no, system which is not from the land as authority; because, you can’t allow foreign agent and procedure to keep trying the president as the conduct displayed by the nation;
Too, much association there exists under the CROWN only; to, be only chattel in another’s clothing/suit; yet, what about being in your own clothing/suit? Might not such be better? Love, jubbdavid;